• Oct 2 (Wed)
  • Oct 3 (Thu)
  • Oct 4 (Fri)
Time Program
9:15 ~ 10:00 Keynote lecture 1
9:15 ~ 10:00 Introduction of Asian Society of Digital Pathology (ASDP)

Junya Fukuoka (Japan)

10:30 ~ 12:30 Symposium 1
Current status and guidelines for DP
10:30 ~ 10:55 DP-Asia Survey 2024:
Exploring the state of digital and computational pathology on the continent

Andrey Bychkov (Japan)

10:55 ~ 11:20 Digital pathology practices in Japan: An instructional guide — 2024

Naoko Tsuyama (Japan)

11:20 ~ 11:45 To be announced

Deng Shijie (China)

11:45 ~ 12:10 Best practice guidelines for digital pathology in Korea

Chan Kwon Jung (Korea)

12:10 ~ 12:30 Q&A, discussion
12:30 ~ 14:00 Lunch break, Luncheon symposium 1
To be announced
14:00 ~ 15:00 Symposium 2
Allied societies symposium - DPA
14:00 ~ 14:10 Driving impact: A look at the digital pathology association

Abigail R. Norris (USA)

14:10 ~ 14:35 Transforming pathology through digital innovation:
the mayo clinic experience

Jason Hipp (USA)

14:35 ~ 15:00 Digital pathology: Focus on patients

Sylvia Asa (USA)

15:30 ~ 16:30 Symposium 3
Allied societies symposium - ESDIP
15:30 ~ 15:40 Introduction of ESDIP

Norman Zerbe (Germany)

15:40 ~ 16:05 DL Augmented (nephron) pathology

Peter Boor (Germany)

16:05 ~ 16:30 Hunting unicorns:
3 million slides and artificial intelligence in a network of 8 hospitals.
The DigiPatICS project

Jordi Temprana -Salvador (Spain)

16:30 ~ 17:30 Panel Discussion
16:30 ~ 17:30 Hot topics 2024 in digital and computational pathology:
Perspectives from around the world

Abbey Norris
Jason Hipp
Sylvia Asa
Norman Zerbe
Peter Boor
Jordi Temprana

  • Room A
  • Room B
Time Program
8:30 ~ 10:00 Oral free presentations 1
(From submitted abstracts)
To be updated
10:00 ~ 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 ~ 11:15 Keynote lecture 2
10:30 ~ 11:15 Digitization and use of artificial intelligence to
enhance diagnostic pathology workflows: The journey continues!

Anil Parwani (USA)

11:15 ~ 12:15 Education 1
Starter pack for DP lab
11:15 ~ 11:35 Nuts and bolts of digital pathology

Rajiv Kaushal (India)

11:35 ~ 11:55 To be announced

Heounjeong Go (Korea)

11:55 ~ 12:15 From data to market

Nam-Hoon Cho (Korea)

12:15 ~ 13:45 Lunch break, Luncheon symposium 1
To be announced
13:45 ~ 15:15 Symposium 4
Ethics, Risks and Regulatory considerations in AI for pathology
13:45 ~ 14:10 Interoperability and ethical considerations in digital Pathology and AI

Kee Taek Jang (Korea)

14:10 ~ 14:35 Guidelines for diagnostic DP and regulation for AI of medical device in Korea

Kyoungbun Lee (Korea)

14:35 ~ 15:00 Ethical conundrum in AI

Sangeeta Desai (India)

15:00 ~ 15:15 Q&A, discussion
15:15 ~ 15:45 Coffee Break
15:45 ~ 16:30 Keynote lecture 3
15:45 ~ 16:30 Beyond 1 million slides:
How the era of foundation models is super charging precision medicine

Thomas Fuchs (USA)

16:30 ~ 17:30 Education 2
Fundamentals of AI algorithm development and digital pathology in education
16:30 ~ 16:50 E-digital tools and AI in pathology education for medical students.

Kais Kasem (Australia)

16:50 ~ 17:10 From noise to clarity:
artifact management of whole slide images

Yu-chae Jung (Korea)

17:10 ~ 17:30 Fundamentals of AI algorithm development -
pathologist perspectives

Haeyoun Kang (Korea)

Time Program
8:30 ~ 10:00 Oral free presentations 2
(From submitted abstracts)
To be updated
10:00 ~ 10:30 Coffee break
11:15 ~ 12:15 Academia-industry panel discussion
11:15 ~ 12:15 Industry experts asking professors:
DP in the real world - what is holding us back?
(Q&A to industry)
12:15 ~ 13:45 Lunch break
(Luncheon symposium 3)
To be announced
13:45 ~ 15:15 Symposium 5
Advancements in pathology imaging
13:45 ~ 14:10 Three-dimensional pathology:
From tissue clearing to clinical implementation

Etsuo Susaki (Japan)

14:10 ~ 14:35 Holotomography and artificial intelligence:
label-free 3D imaging, classification,
and inference of live cells, tissues, and organoids

YongKeun Park (Korea)

14:35 ~ 15:00 Spatial Profiling + AI = H&E 2.0 the next generation of digital AI Pathology

Joe Poh Sheng Yeong (Singapore)

15:00 ~ 15:15 Q&A, discussion
15:15 ~ 15:45 Coffee Break
16:30 ~ 17:30 Giving a voice to DP/AI Innovator
16:30 ~ 17:30 To be announced
  • Room A
  • Room B
Time Program
08:30 ~ 09:40 Symposium 6
Generative AI and LLM in pathology
08:30 ~ 08:50 Introduction to generative AI

David Joon Ho (Korea)

08:50 ~ 09:10 From image to text: Pathology images understanding and report generation

Sangjeong Ahn (Korea)

09:10 ~ 09:30 Generative AI in pathology research

Swapnil Rane (India)

09:30 ~ 09:40 Q&A
09:40 ~ 10:30 Keynote lecture 4
09:40 ~ 10:40 Multimodal and generative AI for pathology

Faisal Mahmood (USA)

10:30 ~ 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 ~ 12:30 Symposium 7
Updates on the recent concepts and diagnostic AI in pathology
11:00 ~ 11:20 Explainable AI in pathology

Jun Xu (China)

11:20 ~ 11:40 Multi-organ pathology report generation for whole slide images
via a medical text foundation model

Won-Ki Jeong (Korea)

11:40 ~ 12:00 The new 3D pathology paradigm for improved clinical outcome prediction

Andrew H. Song (USA)

12:00 ~ 12:20 Pan-cancer Lymph Node Metastasis Detection
Using Deep Learning on Annotation-Free Whole Slide Images

Subhash Yadav (India)

12:20 ~ 12:30 Break
12:30 ~ 13:00 ASDP awards
Annual General Meeting of ASDP
Time Program
08:30 ~ 09:40 Poster presentation
confirmation after poster submission is over
10:30 ~ 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 ~ 12:30 Symposium 8
Real-world clinical application of AI in Pathology
11:00 ~ 11:20 Real-world applications of large language models by pathologists

Andrey Bychkov (Japan)

11:20 ~ 11:40 AI in non-gynecologic cytology

Yosep Chong (Korea)

11:40 ~ 12:00 Developing a user-friendly non-coding AI training
and inference systems and applying self-developed algorithms in daily practice

Wei-Yih Liang (Taiwan)

12:00 ~ 12:20 Human-AI collaboration in cytology diagnosis:
A multi-agent architecture for large-scale cervical cancer screening in China

Baochuan Pang (China)

12:20 ~ 12:30 Q & A, discussion
12:30 ~ 13:00 Annual general meeting of ASDP
ASDP awards

* The schedule is tentative and subject to change.