
To check visa exemption agreement, please check your country via link below: Go to Website

General Business Hours
  • Banks and Public Institutions: 09:00 - 16:00
  • Tourist Information Centers: 09:30 - 22:00 (Varies by location)
  • Restaurants & Cafes: Varies by location (Many open 24 hours)
  • Transportation
  • Subway: 05:00 - 24:00
  • Bus: 05:00 - 22:00 (Select routes operate until 25:00)
  • Taxi: 24 hours (20% late-night surcharge from 22:00 – 28:00)
Emergency Medical Service
  • Dial 112 or 119 from anywhere in Korea and your location will automatically be tracked; you can ask for an ambulance in English. The ambulance will be dispatched to the caller’s locating. Operating hours : 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Languages : Services are provided in 17 languages including English, Chinese, and Japanese.
  • Find an emergency room in Seoul

  • You can buy medicine at stores with a green + sign that says “medicine (Yak)”.Basic medicines, such as fever reducers, painkillers, digestion helpers, and cold medicines can be purchased at convenience stores.
  • Find an emergency room in Seoul

Time Difference

Standard Time in Korea is 9 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+9). Go to Website


Autumn in Korea spans from September to the end of November, featuring a highly pleasant, cool, and crisp climate. It's a time when the scorching summer sun softens, and a slight chill fills the air, lightly knocking on doors.

Especially, early October in Seoul, when ASDP is held, is the optimal time to visit. The average temperature in Seoul in October ranges from 13 to 15 degrees Celsius. Since there can be significant temperature differences between morning and evening, it's advisable to bring a light jacket.

Monetary System & Credit Card

There are currently 4 banknotes (1,000 / 5,000 / 10,000 / 50,000) and 4 coins (10 / 50 / 100 / 500) in circulations in Korea. The current exchange rate is approximately 1 USD= 1,327 KRW as of March 2023.

Visa, Mastercard and American Express credit cards are accepted throughout much of South Korea. Most of the businesses widely use and accept payment by credit cards, including at major hotels, department stores, and general shops. However, check the service availability before making purchases as some stores may not provide this service.

You can check the current exchange rate by the link below: Go to Website

Tax and Tipping

Korea is basically a no-tip culture. Value-added tax is levied on most goods and services at a standard rate of 10% and is included in the retail price. Sometimes, expensive restaurants and luxury hotels may add a service charge of 10%. Thus, you do not necessarily have to prepare for extra charges since it will be included in the bill.


The standard voltage in Korea is 220 volts at 60 Hertz, and the outlet has two round holes.